Roles of the
Planning Division

Global EV Program and
Energy Eco-System Business Department


Vision & Mission

Pursuit of automotive business beyond mobility through the EV energy ecosystem strategy

The person in this business development role is expected to formulate global strategies related to EV (Electric Vehicle) energy management (referred to as V2X; Vehicle to Everything), which is positioned as the key strategy of the long-term vision “Nissan Ambition 2030” announced in November 2021.

Moving Beyond Mobility
  • Build the EV ecosystem from a 360-degree approach to maximize the roles of vehicles in the ecosystems by installing charging infrastructure and promoting secondary use of EV batteries.
  • With the world shifting to EVs, Nissan strives to make EVs truly sustainable through a battery recycling process.

Main Tasks

Proposing new value of vehicles beyond mobility by introducing solutions enabled by EV batteries to society and discovering new opportunities for Nissan to seek more profits

The person in this role is expected to develop V2X from the early stage in an extremely dynamic environment, aiming to generate more value for Nissan’s vehicles beyond mobility. In a cross-functional work setting, you will develop products and work on new projects by collaborating with other departments outside Japan, including North America and Europe.

  • Formulate strategies, develop and promote business plans for energy management business featuring V2X
  • Develop and promote global strategies of providing vehicle-charging solutions in public and at home, and formulate a plan to build vehicle-charging infrastructure
  • Develop and promote global strategies for battery reuse and repurposing to enhance the value of EVs
  • Develop and promote global strategies of battery recycling to improve the environmental and economic value of EVs

CareerLink to the List of Open Positions