Roles of the
Planning Division

Partnerships and
Projects Department


Vision & Mission

Successful collaboration with business partners

Our mission is to provide value-added products and services to customers and contribute to society as we promptly resolve diverse problems that arise in business and maintain a successful relationship with our business partners.

  • Negotiate the terms of business as a proxy of the top management or project leader
  • Coordinate with relevant departments and the directors in the company
  • Share the results of negotiation with the board of directors and finalize agreements upon approval
  • When a problem arises with clients, find a solution to the problem and maintain a good relationship

Main Tasks

Negotiate the terms of projects by working closely with all the stakeholders

As a proxy of the top management or project leader, you will negotiate the terms of a joint project with other companies, coordinate with related departments and the directors of the company, and finalize the agreement.

  • As a representative of Nissan Motors, you will negotiate the business terms with partner companies and finalize the agreement concerning the new project OEM-IN/OUT, joint development, and technology licensing, production outsourcing or subcontracting.
  • Upon obtaining approval from the company, you will prepare contract paperwork and finalize the agreement.
  • In case a problem arises, you will work with the other party and resolve the problem in the best possible way.

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