Roles of the
Planning Division

Product Strategy and
Product Planning Division


Vision & Mission

Move people to a better world

Develop innovative and exciting products which customers will crave for.

  • Develop product competitiveness considering various customer needs and changing market trends.
  • Lead the process collaborating with all the teams like Design and R&D, as representative of customer.

Main Tasks

Develop all concepts toward the Product.

  • 【Upstream Product Planning】
    Develop strategy of future global Nissan / INFINITI product portfolio. Make decisions regarding when, where and what Vehicle Nissan / INFINITI will deliver to the customers worldwide.
  • 【Product Planning】
    Develop product strategy for each functionality / technology and implement them to each project. Establish Brand competitiveness through the functions and technology.
  • 【Cross-Carline Product Planning】
    Develop all the concept, product strategy and spec of each Vehicle project. Build the competitiveness of each project with Customer point of view.

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