Introduction and Scope

Nissan Digital India LLP (“We”; “Us”) is strongly committed to protecting your privacy and personal data and ensuring transparency in doing so.

This Privacy Notice is directed at:

  • visitors and users of this website, and
  • job applicants to Nissan Digital India LLP’s work opportunities offered through any available channel of communication.

Unless expressly specified otherwise:

  • Nissan Digital India LLP, incorporated at VBC Solitaire, 5th Floor, 47 & 49, Bazullah Road, T. Nagar, Chennai – 600 017, is the data fiduciary of your personal data collected and processed for the administrative, operational, and commercial management of this website as publisher.
  • and of personal data collected and processed for the process of your job application to Nissan Digital India LLP.

Please read this Privacy Notice carefully.

This Privacy Notice describes how your personal data is used and how to exercise your rights about it.

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time, and we recommend regularly visiting this page when you use this website.

As you read this Privacy Notice, please keep in mind the following important notes about how this Privacy Notice applies:
  • This Privacy Notice contains specific sections that may not be applicable to you because of where you are located or the nature of our relationship and/or interactions.
  • This Privacy Notice may be supplemented by other privacy policies and/or notices that explain how your personal data is used and disclosed under other circumstances.  To the extent such policies and/or notices are provided, posted and/or referenced, that different notice and/or policy will apply to the processing of your personal data.
  • This website may contain links to third-party websites that we do not operate, control, or endorse.  Once you leave this website, we are not responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide.  We suggest reading the privacy notices of these third-party websites and if needed, contacting those websites directly for information about their privacy practices.

1. What Personal Data Do We Collect?

  • For this Privacy Notice, “personal data” means any data about an individual who is identifiable by or in relation to such data as defined by India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act. 
  • We process your personal data if you have given consent, or you are deemed to have given your consent in accordance with the provisions of the India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act and Rules.
  • The provision of certain types of personal data may be necessary or optional.
  • Mandatory data will be marked as such at the moment of collection of your personal data.  If you refuse to provide the mandatory data, Nissan Digital India LLP may not be able to process your request.
As you navigate through this website, we automatically collect data about your device and browsing activities through cookies and other trackers. You can disable these from your web browser/mobile device options.
  • In addition, depending on your use of this website and its services, we sometimes receive your personal data through third parties, in accordance with their privacy policies and terms and conditions of use. For example, if you use your LinkedIn account to upload your resume to our job application platform, we will receive your personal data from LinkedIn.
Here you can find a list of personal data we collect from you, our reasons, who do we share this data with and why do we share it:
Personal data we collect from you Why we collect this data Who do we share this data with and why
  1. Identification data (first name, surname, government ID numbers)
  2. Contact details (address, email, and phone number)
  3. Professional curriculum vitae (job experience, education, professional qualifications, and job position related information)
  1. Identification data (first name, surname, government ID numbers)
  2. HR recruitment process: to process your resume, evaluate it, and to manage communications with you in the context of a recruiting process, including background check if applicable.
  3. Professional curriculum vitae (job experience, education, professional qualifications, and job position related information)

Our vendors, partners, and suppliers

  1. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd: management of global HR recruitment.
  2. Workday Inc.: we use this supplier for online job posting and recruiting management.
  3. LinkedIn Corporation: you can upload your resume through your LinkedIn account.
  4. Walsons Services Private Limited: We use this supplier for background verification.

When you request information from us:

  1. Identification data (first name, last name, government ID number if necessary).

  2. Contact details (address, email, and phone number).
  3. Data related to your request (date, hour, type, and content of your request)
  1. Relationship/ inquire’ s management: to process your contact request and any other inquiries, including to process your data privacy rights
  1. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd: management of compliance and legal matters.
  2. Microsoft : we use Outlook to manage our communications; Our vendors, partners, and suppliers.
  3. Google Analytics: we use this supplier to count website visitors.

Website analytical and tracking technologies (for example, cookies).

  1. Technical data about your web browser and your device or any other interface you may use to visit this website (IP address, location data, device type, operating system, browser type, browser language, unique device identifiers).
  2. Connection data and log files (date and time you visited this website, bug or any other error reports, session data such as session ID and length of access).
  3. Information regarding your navigation on this website, entry and exit pages, pages you viewed on this website, search terms).
  1. Automatic updating of this website or its services.

  2. Evaluating and improving this website and its services.

This information is necessary for the proper functioning of this website and its services, as well as internal business analytics purposes such as audience measurement, and to protect and enhance the security of this website and its services. 


2. How Do We Protect Your Personal Data?

  1. Nissan Digital India LLP has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to maintain a level of security adapted to the level of risk related to the processing of your personal data.

  2. These measures aim to protect your personal data against destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access, both accidental and intentional.
  3. However, no method of transmission of data on the internet and no method of storage (in either an electronic or a physical environment) can be entirely secure.
  4. We endeavor to protect your personal data to the best of our abilities, but we cannot guarantee an absolute security or integrity during the transmission of your data from your system to ours.  Any transmission is at your own risk.

3. Are There Any International Transfers of Your Personal Data?

When disclosing or transferring your personal data outside India, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place for such disclosures or transfers as required by the applicable law.

4. How Long Do We Store Your Personal Data?

We retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice, unless required by our legal obligations to retain it for longer.

To determine the appropriate retention period, we consider factors such as:
  1. your use of this website and its services.
  2. the existence of contractual or legal obligations requiring us to retain your personal data for a fixed period.

  3. the existence of any ongoing legal proceedings.

5. What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

In accordance with India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, you have the following rights:

Your Rights Scope of the Rights
Right to information about personal data

You have the right to:

  1. the confirmation on whether we process or have processed your personal data or not.

  2. a summary of the personal data we process or that has been processed by us and the processing activities undertaken by us with respect to the personal data.
  3. in one place, the identities of all the Data Fiduciaries with whom the personal data has been shared along with the categories of personal data so shared.
  4. and any other information as may be prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.
Right to correction and erasure of personal data

You have the right to correction and erasure of your personal data, in accordance with the applicable laws and in such manner as may be prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.

We, upon receiving your request for such correction and erasure, shall:

  1. correct your inaccurate or misleading personal data.
  2. complete your incomplete personal data.
  3. update your personal data.
  4. erase your personal data that is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was processed unless retention is necessary for a legal purpose.
Right of grievance redressal

You have the right to readily available means of registering a grievance with us.

If you are not satisfied with our response to a grievance or receives no response within seven days or such shorter period as may be prescribed, you may register a complaint with the Data Protection Board of India in such manner as may be prescribed.

Right to nominate

You have the right to nominate, in such manner as may be prescribed by applicable laws and regulations, any other individual, who shall, in the event of your death or incapacity, exercise your rights in accordance with the provisions of this Act.  For this section, “incapacity” means inability to exercise your rights under the provisions of the India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act and Rules due to unsoundness of mind or body.

If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights, you can directly contact our Data Protection Contact Point:

Nissan Digital India LLP Data Protection Contact Point


Your Duties

In accordance with India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, you have the following duties:

  1. You shall comply with the provisions of all applicable laws while exercising rights under the provisions of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act.
  2. You shall not register a false or frivolous grievance or complaint with us or the Data Protection Board of India.
  3. You shall, under no circumstances including while applying for any document, service, unique identifier, proof of identity or proof of address, furnish any false particulars, suppress any material information, or impersonate another person.
  4. You shall furnish only such information as is verifiably authentic while exercising the right to correction or erasure under the provisions of the Act.

Changes to This Privacy Notice

We may amend this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect any changes in law or our personal data processing activities, publication of new guidelines by the relevant authorities or technological developments.

We recommend that you review this Privacy Notice each time you visit this website so that you can stay informed on our collection, use and sharing of your personal data.  We will post the updated version of this Privacy Notice on this website and ask for your consent to the changes if legally required.